Rock Ethos is an annual rock music festival launched in 2008 at Bangalore, where top Indian rock acts converge on a common platform to present their original compositions. The festival aims to promote original music in India; to promote anti-piracy; to let rock bands decide on their requirements; to build a platform for rock bands to be recognized; and to create an international rock festival experience. The international caliber rock festival made a statement that rock bands in India no longer need rely on covers to sell popularity. Rock Ethos celebrates the spirit of rock music in the city which has grown to be one of the most happening cities in the international rock map.
The fest, construed on the lines of international rock concerts, has rock bands performing for 45 minutes each, unlike the regular 20–30 minutes allotted time. Pyrotechnics, Bungee jumping, Paintball Contests, Food & Refreshment Zones are a part of this rock carnival. A city wide Treasure Hunt called Huduku was planned for 2009. Rock Ethos 2009 was planned on a much larger scale and was to be held for two days on Saturday, March 14 and Sunday March 15 at Palace Grounds, Bangalore.
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Venue: Palace Grounds, Bangalore
Date: Sunday, 10 February 2008
Time: 11am to 10pm
The day-long, entry-free rock carnival had India’s 13 biggest rock bands performing back-to-back for 45 minutes each. The three-dimensional stage had two huge 14 feet guitars and two kick drums with a diameter of eight feet as stage backdrop. The bands did their tuning in the green room from where they could directly step up to the main stage and start playing instead of doing the tuning on the main stage and annoying the audience. There were well-established old metal heads such as Mother Jane to the relatively new, nevertheless talented bands, including Inviktus. Dispelling all myths about low-energy levels in original Indian Metal compositions, college bands such as Illuminati displayed remarkable screen presence and technical expertise. While Bhoomi lived up to all expectations with old-school metal numbers “Uncultured” and “Dead Time Stories”; Mother Jane, the closing act, delivered a tight performance with some fantastic classical stunts woven into the lead guitar pieces, thereby performing the perfect swan song to a memorable evening. Almost all performers lauded the fact that Rock Ethos was the first to ever encourage them to play their original compositions.
• Bhoomi
• Myndsnare
• Kryptos
• Threinody
• Extinct Reflections
• Inviktus
• Spitfire
• Illuminati
• Galeej Gurus
• Slain
• Whitenoiz
• Inner Sanctum
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